Full Moon Reflections

Are we all more creative during a full moon? Are we more thoughtful or aware of our lives? Are we moodier and more on edge? Or is it all just an old wives’ tale?

Full moons are associated with everything from influencing ocean tides and romance to more triggering bad behavior from werewolves (and humans!).  As we enter the summer months of a new year, we will be treated to a glorious display of astrological excellence in the form of Full Moons and even supermoons.

The full moon in April has been coined the "Pink Moon" since it falls during the time of year when the moss pink wildflower blooms in North America. I don't think the fact that this beautiful moon will be appearing not long after the Spring Equinox. Spiritual and wise thought leaders also believe that this astrological event signals a time for change and growth. The pink moon is all about newness, freshness, and letting go of the things that aren't serving you.

In May, we experienced a lunar eclipse and that energy had many of us on one edge and feeling unsettled. Lunar eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon oppose each other in the sky, aligning themselves with the Moon's north and south nodes. In astrology, lunar eclipses symbolize change, evolution, and new revelations. This can be a positive thing, but often feels like a bit of a “shake-up” as we work on “letting go.”

In June, the full Strawberry Moon rises on Tuesday the 14th, and this year, it's a supermoon! This glorious full moon coined its name thanks to Native American traditions that recognized that this moon appear around the time ripe strawberries were ready to be gathered.

What does that mean for you? We believe it's the perfect opportunity to let go of past wounds, negative beliefs, and anything that is no longer serving your higher purpose in life. This doesn't mean you should rush out and quit the job you have (the one that supports your family), but it does mean that this is a great time to sit with the dislike of your current employment and open yourself up to fresh thoughts and new possibilities.

Every full moon has a special name and spiritual meaning—most of which come from Native American folklore. American Indian Tribes gave names to each of the full moons to keep track of the passing year. The names are associated with the entire month until the next full moon occurs. Since a lunar month averages 29 days, the dates of the moons change from year to year.

What we do know is that many people feel the effects of a full moon. Some people find comfort in the full moon's energy while just as many claims point to feeling edgy, emotional, and "off" in many ways. The fact that full moons are often positioned close to the Earth, its pull will make life feel more intense than usual.

As I begin to prepare for my own personal recognition and celebration of the Strawberry Moon, I want to take a moment to note something else about this month. June is also known as the month of love. My Norse heritage recognizes that June is also a time of Mid-Sommer which coincides with the Summer Solstice (June 21). June is also a month is filled with weddings, festivals, and celebrations that all embrace love.

And that’s what I want to focus on for the next 30 days: Love and Self-Love. Two things we simply need more of in this world.

For the next month, I want to share thoughts, prayers, meditations, and encouragements that help us all take a breath, step back, and love ourselves. This may mean taking a hard look at some of the wounded parts of ourselves, but I promise I will be by your side every step of the way.

Together, we will embrace the gifts we have and Love Ourselves Greatly.



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