Loving Yourself Greatly

For me, the last couple of weeks has a gamut of collective stress, heartbreak, and overwhelm.  And I’m sure it has been for many of you as well.

The news has been filled with global, community, and personal heartaches, struggles, and losses. But we have gone through many of these hardships together and there is comfort in that knowing.

Although we have experienced all of the uncertainty and sorrows together, oftentimes we can still feel really alone in our sorrow and ache.

Along with collective stressors, we have our own personal trials to deal with on a daily basis. Let’s just say that, sometimes, it feels like we’re in a really tough place. 

Sometimes, we identify so much with what is going on around us that we become the pain, the illness, the job, or the crisis. It’s like we connect our pasts to the current pain and get caught up in making the external pain of others our own.

If this sounds familiar, just know that you are not alone. But this loop of despair and living deeply in the conflict of others can wreak havoc on our mental health and spiritual well-being. But there is a way to acknowledge and honor the heartaches around us without getting lost in its darkness.

Every day I request one thing from the Universe: please, help me to see things differently.

This can be done in both good and difficult times. It’s a silent little question I ask, wishing to see things from many different perspectives.

Overall, we have a couple of ways of seeing things. In each moment, you can choose to see yourself as a person inside of despair, pain, illness, poverty, job or family crisis, etc. OR, you can choose to see yourself as a spiritual being is experiencing difficult moments. It’s the difference between life happening to you, or framing it in our hearts and minds that life happening for you.

Think of it like a rainstorm. If you’re sitting outside and a rainstorm fills the sky, you will get wet. This can create a moment of distress when you continue to sit there, not caring or bothered that it’s raining on you, or you can accept the fact that this is a moment in time and it will pass. The storm is moving through you, not being burdensome on you

I was raised in the Pacific Northwest and we get a lot of rain up there, 72 inches a year to be exact. We often joke that we rust instead of tan because we do not get tons of sun. Being raised there, I was used to the rain in all of its forms. In my adult life, I have spent decades in Tennessee where we also get rain, but rain in this zip code is something to run from. When a cloudburst happens, the torrential downpour has everyone running for cover!

For the last couple of years, I have been living in the high desert of Northern New Mexico. It’s here that I’ve learned how to really appreciate the rain.

When it rains here, people run out of their houses and stand with their faces to the sky to receive the rain blessing that is happening. On a good year, we get between 11 and 14 inches of moisture a year, including snow. Rain is a welcome friend that we embrace and let it move through us to bring blessings. 

Just to be clear, I am not invalidating the heavy emotions or experiences that we’ve had as of late, or in the past. Instead, I’m urging a reframing of what we are experiencing. The choice is ours to see ourselves bound and trapped by experiences and emotions, or, we can make a shift to see ourselves as a strong container for those emotions.

This shift in who you are in the midst of a crisis, and how you see yourself during these tenuous times, is a giant leap in healing.

It’s the shift into our divine nature and it allows us to see things differently and experience life more vibrantly. 

So what does it mean to be a divine being? 

Each one of us is divine. As a divine being, you are created by the same

A magnificent, powerful life force that made the Rocky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, 

A presence that helped to form gold, rubies, rainbows, kale, and broccoli. And my two favorites: coffee, and chocolate.

Now take all of that awe and wonder and turn it towards yourself. You, as a divine magnificent being, were in your mother’s ovaries when she was in your grandmother’s womb. 

Being divine means that you are limitlessly creative. Completely and infinitely blessed. Sacred. You are the very vibration of light. You are divine.

So now knowing this how daunting and insurmountable do your inner and outer challenges feel now? 

You are made by divine intelligence and of divine intelligence. You can figure anything out. Everything you need to heal is inside of you. You have the great capacity to heal. 

When we see ourselves as Divine Beings coming from Divine Energy, we can stop identifying ourselves as broken, rejected, or behind. 

We can stop letting our old stories direct the next steps in our future. When viewing ourselves as Divine Beings, sweating the small stuff doesn’t matter so much.

When we embrace ourselves as Divine Beings we stop seeing ourselves as worthy or unworthy. We can accept that we play many roles in this precious life and we are involved in a greater plot unfolding. 

When we see ourselves as Divine Beings, we are not the diagnosis, the prognosis, or any kind of fated future.

When we see ourselves as Divine Beings we know that we are not from our past. We aren’t the issues, the broken patterns, or the scars that we have collected and created. 

When we see ourselves as Divine Beings we have all the time we need. We are not the time that has been spent or lost, or the time we wish we had left. Our relationship with time, or the passing of it, has a new understanding. That time is man-made and we can have a lighter relationship with it.

When we see ourselves as Divine Beings we no longer need fulfillment from outside ourselves. We feel empowered, capable, and whole. 

Remember that you are fueled by the same life force that goes up the trunk of a redwood tree. That you are made of the same life force that fuels our galaxy, our moon, our stars. 

Being a Divine Being is knowing that we are fueled by love even in an unloving and difficult world. 

In the metaphysical world, there is a saying that Like attracts Like. 

What we see, we radiate 

What we radiate, we attract. 

There is light. There is darkness and then there is the source that creates the light.

Once the light shines it divulges everything but once we have an awareness of it, and it’s seen, it too becomes the light.

Life is happening for you!

Other Links and Ways to Connect

Thrive: Living a Self Healed Life https://www.valariebudayr.com/thrive-book

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valariebudayr/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valarie.budayr/





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